A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

July 15, 2004

forgive me, im being unforgivably lazy. *yawn* but the Butler report is out... (here is the full text, which i havent read meself) but blair was questioned in the parliament, and while he proved to be a smarter politician by skipping around the key questions, one would expect him to face the issues head on. issues like whether the september 2002 dossier had been "sexed-up" to win support of the House, and the country at large. but 'twas (the parliament proceedings) a funny show over all, and i give it 8/10, if only in terms of the entertainment value. read more here: blair's lost credibility blair defiant over war decision the blair witch analysis im gonna go back to sleep. it's only 10am.


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