A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

April 04, 2004

im so high, i can hear heaven well kinda sorta. ive just been plain lazy about blogging in the last coupla days, cuz frankly, too much has been going on. and my routine is all messed up. which means my mom has gotten into thys habbit of waking me up early morning... aka 11am, and then i go through the day like a zombie. *YAWN* scuze me ();> i was going to blog about the one sin ive shamelessly been indulging in, but that would only make me hungry and turn to food i can do without... im not really high. i guess burnt at both ends. not high. it was my sister's birthday yesterday, and man ... its at tyms like these i wonder why ppl make such issues of celebrating them birthday thyngs anyways... specially me folks. my own birthday lasts three days. we dont really do anythyng grand, just burn lots of good honest money... like we did yesterday. i prefer to sulk. each passing year reminds me im growing older, and THAT means accepting responsibility.... NADA....nothing doing... GET AWAY FROM ME!!! I REFUSE TO GROW UP my mom should thank me for all the growing up ive done already. ive stopped climbing trees, i dont get dizzy spinning around in circles anymore (actually i still do but dont tell her i told u), my icecreams have been cut down to only a few scoops a week, and umm i brush my teeth twice a day :D anyways, each birthday should only remind you of how close yer becoming to being completely dependent on your kids, that the old age home is only a few more years away, and that soon your medical bills will amount to more than pakistan's fiscal budget . (that's somethyng to look forward to innit?) anyways, i love balloons, so i got my sister lots of those, and then i got her a really amazing chocolate/vanilla bomb cake (guess who ate that) and then some awesome jewellery, which coincidently goes with most of my clothes also *well! whaddya know?* an interesting phenomenon: the other day i took some balloons to work, i was giving a farewell to a friend. so all these guys start messing about, having some serious balloon fights and i tell them to quit. one says: "you cant give us balloons and then expect us to not play with them!" ehm. i c. such is the condition of ppl i work with. are we having fun yet?!?!?


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