oh! happy news.
my editor has resigned :>
he leaves in a week!
*sings* Haaa lay lu yeah!
Haaa lay lu yeah
hallelujah! hallelujah! *picks up momentum*
*glass around room shatters*
No masla! that's a small price to pay for freedom.
*sigh* i need to cut some slack here. the guy isnt that bad. he's just not one of the most sincere people ive met.
ive been trying to write some really mean stuff about him (all true), but i cant bring myself to.
frankly, i wouldnt normally care about my co workers, but ever since thys guy has been around, ive threatened to quit my job 3 tyms in two months.
have thrown tantrums in the EinC's office, and even walked out on him once. (i salute my EinC for being so patient with me).
but at the end of the day, its them senior, older people at work, who talk sense into you, and before you know it, you are all pacified and back at your desk.
ten thyngs i hate about you...
i) he is one of the most irresponsible, nonserious people ive come across.
- he has the habit of walking off in the middle of the day, WITHOUT telling anyone. Once we find out, i have to fill in FOR him. that means doing my work, as well as his, in the alotted time.
ii) he doesnt show up for work. at whim. excuse: "im too hung over from last night"
aah right! so THAT makes it ok.
iii) he treats some people at the office like second class citizens.
iv) he bowdlerizes my stories, till i dont recognize them. (but he does that to everyone if that's some consolation)
v) he generates negative energy.
- ever since he's been around, ive stopped working. ive quit taking interest in my job, go in late for work EVERYDAY, and once im there, all i do is socialize (not that i mind, but i feel guilty about it)
and he can get away with being a jerk because his daddy owns the paper (and half the city).
now if it were Utopia, thys would not only mean freedom, but also a promotion for me. since it's not, they'll probably bring in someone else to take over...
a massive probability being my brother. yes my own flesh and blood brother.
if that happens, im going to find a cliff in Lahore and jump off.
out of the frying pan, into the fire.
in other news: no place i'd wanna hang out
A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth
for what it's worth
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