A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

August 05, 2004

shady's back

"let the blog begin" -- Julius Ceasar ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm gonna enter in and up under your skin like a splinter The center of attention back for the winter I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling Infesting in your kids ears and nesting Testing "Attention Please" feel the tension soon as someone mentions me here's my 10 cents my 2 cents is free A nuisance, who sent, you sent for me? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i began bloggin initially, to umm... help me unwind. coming home from work, where every comma, fullstop and hyphen were supposed to be in their correct places, 'the' had to spelt T-H-E... and not teh as i usually do when im typing... where the spell chk was to be run more often than i breathed... i figured i needed someone place where i could just be wrong.... and be ok with it. but certain habits die hard. whether it was the fear of being judged careless, or blind, or stupid, i found i just couldnt allow my mistakes to slip thru. (though i did convince me to get rid of the apostrophe marks in couldnt, cant and dont :p ) and i figured it'd be nice to whine. i though, since no one would be reading it, i would say all what i wanted and let it meet its doom in cyberspace. it happened for some tym, but once i got a (then) stranger's comment... i was on guard again. (damn! my blog's gone mad... i cant find my earlier posts, and haloscan seems to have done away with my earlier comments. bugger) as of late, ive had certain thyngs on my mind. in fact... a lot of thyngs. but like all else, they too shall pass. and anyways, ive gone beyond caring now. it's like... you get SO worked up at tyms, you cant get worked up anymore... like there is no going beyond a point. you can only ever come back. O ye! rejoice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- in other news, i start college tomorrow. i went to pick up my rooms keys n all. fortunately, HAVENT met my roomie as yet. and i sincerely hope i dont for the two years we are supposed to be together. see the thyng is, im not really LOOKING for friends??? i mean it's perhaps not the nicest thyng to say, but my track record hasnt been all too good. tehre are friends, and then there are friends. and then tehre are friends. and i certainly hope the lady is nothing like me. tehres only so much of me i can take, and that too cuz i let me get away with a lot of thyngs. patience was never one of my virtues. and here im freaking out, over having to share half a room with a virtual stranger who may just turn out to be as horrible as i am... and man that would be awful. and then it's the little thyngs like... they gave me the door side. i wanted the window im being stupid. the fact is, i've just spent a month living of my folks, eating, sleeping, living at will. i see two gruelling years full of hard work and competition ahead, and yes, i seriously want to crawl under the bed and hide... if i had the option, id turn me into a goodfernutin couch potato. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- but the little thyngs in life make a lot of difference. a friend of mine got me Very Sexy Mints. from the states. no seriously, thats what they are called. furthermore, on the box it says : As Sexy As Kissing Gets 0_0 nothing beats altoids, but these i like too, if only for other reasons...


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