A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

April 05, 2004

it's fairly interesting, stuff you can pick up when you least expect to. thyngs you learn about life, and about yourself. most recently, i'd say ive discovered im a rather bad judge of character, im quick at forming opinions, am unreasonable, and that my knowledge isnt as infinite as i like to believe it is. ive been picking up important lessons from most unlikely corners. like today. thys gentleman at work whom ive regarded as extremely kooky, comes up to me (out of the blue), and says: "that man, in that office," points to the office of one of the senior editors, "i will teach him one day..." now he is half spanish, half russian, and half german. three halves put together dont add up, so try imagining how he speaks anyways so he says, "that man in there has no right to be rude to anyone, we are all God's creatures, so what if he is busy, or an important man... no matter how important you become, you should never forget others are human also ..." the rest i couldnt register, because for some tym there i sat stunned, like id been hit by a stun-gun (insert joke here). i tend to view most people as a waste of time, oxygen, and space. "people are futile shreds of life that will turn into ash" such has been my dogma for a long tym now. while i realise thys approach may be slightly snobbish, i believe i can justify it through pure logic and reason (be not in haste to judge me). maybe some other time. i prefer to keep to myself, take ages to make friends, and dont care much for social interaction. i'll only grow to like you if you can convince me your reason for existance is good nuff, you know where you are going, and remember where you come from. for most part, i thynk thys world would be a much much better place if 9.5 out of 10 people werent. do you remember your mother hitting you across the face for saying or doing somethyng bad? i dont, but im sure the feeling must be very similar to what i felt, when thys guys said... "we are all god's creations" it was actually like someone was shaking me sayin "so you semi-neurotic missy, what's with the inverted snobbery and the uptight attitude? had a difficult childhood eh?" living with the belief that im better than perfect, it's difficult for me to accept my faults. specially when someone calls foul my convictions.. come on man, im not what i eat, im what i believe...you know what i mean? ive been wrong on two occassions, about two people who proved to be very nice, and not all monsters i'd painted them to be. T turned out to be the coolest chick i've met in ages -- although we still disagree on whether aragon is the star of tlotr or legolas... (of course it's aragon, she shall see sense soon) i need to bite some humble pie soon, before i catch the foot-in-mouth disease :s


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