A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

September 01, 2004

shirts speak louder than words

i got my ex boss a T today. it was black. and it said "NO". he's sort of like that; you thynk three thousand tyms before you gather up enuff courage to ask him for anythyng... and his answer is usually no. the shirt will hopefully save him the bother of saying it out loud. "read my shirt," shall be a preffered reply. i thynk. i got my brother a bunch of shirts too. 10 actually. see... while im not a woman who'd spend one dollar on a two dollar item she dont need, i just thynk you can never go wrong with shirts :-D and it's fun shopping for stuff you dont really want. like my mom bought a rocking chair yesterday. i dont know where she plans to put it, but she bought it. the shirt labels read as follows: 1) Well educated but broke: that would sum up my brother effectively. if i was advertising for him in a matrimonial thyngy, i guess that's how id describe him. of course i dont thynk he'd be getting too many offers, but at least no one would accuse us of deception. 2) im busy; you're ugly; go away: he's too polite to tell ppl to sod-ov. im hopin the shirt will do the talking for him. 3) don't hate me cuz yer ugly: it was either that, or "it must hurt to look like you... your face is killing me!!!" in girls they had "dont hate me cuz im beautiful, hate me cuz your boyfriend thynks so too." 4) banned: it's alway nice to wear a verdict. 5) whatever i do, blame it on AlQaeda: whatever happens, SOMEONE must be blamed. and in bhai's profession... thyngs can get seriously screwed up... (note: im not sure WHEN im using inappropriate language... like the other day i said 'pissed off' in class, and my prof goes: dont use that expression...0_0) 6) Buck Fush: i was out buying thys shirt, when another shopperlady goes "what's buck fush?" ok, lady, its really ok to be ignorant, but dont overdo it... what say u? 7) never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups: i hear you!!! i wish they had one which said "majority simply means all the fools are on the same side." but they didn't. so there :p 8) chick magnet: i thynk that's ultra cool. but my brother refuses to wear it ... and i dont blame him... i mean, thats the kinda shirt i'd gift my guy, (if i had one, but im not a chick, and i wouldnt associate myself with a 'chick magnet'... and definitely not with a guy who went around wearing that shirt... in fact, id kill my guy if he wore such a shirt...) you get my dilemma right? i got a shirt... i dont know who to give it to. *Sigh* 9) thys other shirt (click on pic V80) i bought him bears an ancient chinese scripture... teh words of the wisest sages in oriental history. an honour to be wearing them. email me, if you wish to know what they mean. i didnt feel like putting up a picture :D and oh! and i got me one too. it reads

"suicide bomber"
self explanatory... dont you thynk? :> i guess you can buy thys stuff here. i'm a voodootee fan... gimme unlimited amounts of funds... i'd die shoppin at that place. granted, i wouldnt WEAR all of it... (it's anappropraite stuff for a "gurl") that doesnt mean i dont enjoy it. that and im not too keen on western clothin. *sigh* dont they have thys in chooridar?


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