A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

November 28, 2004


im sooooooooooo uninspired. oh blah! i feel like whining. ive been off from school for two days, and all thys tym on my hands is pretty much driving me crazy. ive seen a terrible movie almost the whole world had recommended (Love Actually)... it STANK... with a capital C. yeah i know stank doesnt have a c, but cleopetra did, so there. and that my dear, is the beauty of logic. yeah so. it was supposed to be a romantic comedy. sue me. because by the end of it, i was bored beyond tears. i tried reading paulo coelho... umm... im currently trying very hard to fall in love with what he calls the third in the series of whatever... and interestingly, though i throughly did enjoy Veronika Decides Die... and By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept... im still trying to feign interest, and im already halfway thru the book. now you must understand, Veronika was a GOOD book. infact, it was a great book. see. im not a great fan of The Alchemist. there. i said it. i know it stands next to blasphemy... but really, that book was SO FULL OF IT. eh... chemically induced inspiration. i thynk i would only ever believe ANY of what was written in that... if i were on weed. umm no. if i were on LSD. or PCP. weed just doesnt cut it enuff. veronika, on the other hand, made sense. basically, it's about a girl who has everythyng, and because she does, she very simply decides to kill herself... since there aint much left to do. i guess it stands so close to my heart simply because ive been rather fond of madness and all thyngs unacceptable since i was a kid :D somewhere in the 16th century, thys priest guy called Dryden said: there is a pleasure sure in being mad that no one but madmen know coelho, on the other hand, said madness was "merely the inability to communicate one's ideas" i dunno. im happy being uncommunicative :D but yeah, veronika was great. the book with the longer name was a grrrrrrrreat read. if yer into romantic shyte. im not. but i still enjoyed it. or some of it. maybe because of my incredibly sour mood... i have just not been able to sink myself into the thyrd in thys series: The Devil and Miss Prym...everythyn just seems so blah these days. when life was sunnier, i read Digital Fortress, as a prelude to Da Vinci Code. now, digital fortress rocked. cuz of which now i DO have higher expectations from dan brown. lets see how thys cookie crumbles. but im just very blah right now. excuse me.


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