A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

December 15, 2004

i dont want to give thys post a title

creativity cant be forced, that's a given. but id like to sound (or look) smart ONCE in a while. tomorrow is supposedly a holiday, and im already thynkin abt the assignment i got for friday. yeah. me. hemlock. chiller of the highest order. as cool as they get. maxer relaxer. is thynkin about an assignment to be... *Sigh* and the worst part is, not only am i thynkin about it, im aslo actually worried... it's almost like i care about my work now. blah. besides that, life has been rather ... you know.usual. there have been the good days, the bad days, and the very very ugly days. those ugly days for most part comprise of me trying to make some sense of the world around me. and the people in it. the bad days usually comprise of comments where im constantly reminded im not a belgian princes. infact, im a bery bery ordinary person. the good days are made of icecream and chocolates. and good friends. and umm... some part of thys blog is dedicated to a friend (who reads my blog everytym i put a gun to his head) who cheered me up no ends today. thanx man, we gotta do icecream again :D soon. and im gettin all them cool folkses fer the weekend...! yo! :)


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