A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

March 06, 2005

nestle's bottled water - God's little mercy

Ive only just gotten back from Karachi, and im not a pretty sight. In fact, im feeling serial-killerish. The thing is, see, we brought home all the shopping, but since we were only allowed so much luggage, we left our mom back in the port city. I mean it was either my clothes and stuff, or mom, and umm... You could try asking me if I had fun, but right now im so tired, I really cant come up with an intelligent answer, and if you were to wait till tomorrow, when I'd come out of the jet lag (it was a 90-minute flight) id be too diplomatic to be honest. The highlights of the trip included a chauffer, who texted me his email address only half an hour ago, and a gentleman who visited my blog "once" and "never went back," cuz he finds extensive narrations "boring". A camel gave me a smile, and I THYNK I got it on camera (we'll have to wait -- very long -- for the results), and umm... I stabbed a dead jellyfish and that was gross, (it was like umm... gelatine in a transparent polythene bag), and umm... in hemlock's expert opinion, there is absolutely no poondi in Karachi. Sorry folks, but truth hurts. Beyond that, the perception one was living under, that karachites are filthy rich, was dispelled rather rudely, because believe me, Lahore definitely has better cars and homes. It was actually disappointing to see that the only fancy shmancy cars in the city were sitting in the showrooms; and there weren't very many of those either. Blah. One seriously irksome thing about the city? It's soooo bloody massive. I mean, if the vertical growth wasn't bad enough, going from point a to point be will take ages, and lord help you if your itinerary goes something lyke "point a to point b to point c to point d". ouch. That means youll be on the road most of the day. Apparently the population of the city is 14 million, but other sources said it's 4 tyms the size of Lahore, (which is 7.5 million) so that makes it 30 million... but either ways, it's just too many ppl, too many distances, and too many buildings. Im only being bitchy cuz im seriously tired, im sure if I were to blog when I were in a better mood, id have umm... good things to say about Karachi... remember I had fun?... But umm... now is not the tym for being nice. I mean... just one week in the city, and I thought... dude! I wouldn't mind living here ... (here being two hours away from the city, in a hut on the beach, where the sea ISNT polluted with oil and industrial waste). Them karachites want to know what fascination us "foreigners" have with the sea, but the fact is, one tends to take things for granted (like we do beauty ... ;) ...). But then I think of little things, like clean air and water we have in Lahore, and I say, dude... sea vs health and happiness... ??? Lhore lhore ai!


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