A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

March 18, 2005

round and round the mulberry bush

ok so im slow. (it took me four hours, eighty-six minutes and eleventeen nano seconds to type that). but you know what, i dont even feel bad about it. some three weeks after i posted (scattered) SOME of the pictures on teh net, i realised i owned a yahoo id, which was easier to keep and less messier in handling. so im going to shift the pix there, but i really dont understand why im explaining any of that to you, like it's ANY o yo business... but then i dont really have (ulterior) motives for anythyng... which, in turn, makes me drop dead adorable in my own special way... (my mom didnt gimme food tonite, so i guess it's the gases talking). anyways, so lets start at some point slightly after the begining, but way before the end -- or where the begining ended to begin the end. thys here, is the view from the hotel we were staying in. if you dont look too closely, it looks really pretty, with palm trees and a(n artificial) lake... at night you could see the lights of the shipping docks and stuff... and youd wake up in the morning with the sun glaring in your face cuz your mom would be sweet enough to pull aside the curtains, lest you were in the danger of oversleeping (on your vacation)... ok so ive spent 3 weeks cribbing about that one same thyng, but really you cant begin to understand the trauma and ordeal i went through trying to understand why i had an alarm clock wake me up at 8 EVERY FRIGGIN MORNIN while i was on H-O-L-I-D-A-Y... which is different from MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, WEEKDAY, WORKDAY... *sigh* but the windows were HUGE, and if you opened them, you could actually touch the crows circling around -- as would the distant family members of vultures... sadly, the khi pollution has tainted the crows black... in lahore, the crows are white, and we call them pigeons... thys was the sea. the picture was taken at around midnight, at thys place called clifton, and the amazing part is, you could go here during the day, and the water would still be black :p ok, so im being catty again, but industrial waste, and pollution and oil spills have spoiled thys part of the ocean, but at night, the sounds sound the same, and you cant see much, and believe you me, the experience is definitely worth it (minus the littering on the beach and fumes of oil that hit you across your face). my favourite part of the trip was hauling myself on what's known as the "Devil's wall". apparently, typical of teh pakistani phenomenon of encroachment, we didnt spare the sea either, and (relatively successful) efforts have been made to push the water back. the devil's wall is ONE of those efforts, and you have HUGE waves hit and splash the wall, and im sucker for teh noise the sea makes...any day of the week. as we sat there relaxing well after midnight, my brother and a lill (17-yr-old) friend of ours lit up smokes. so i said, "hey! no show man, how come i dont get one!" my brother's standard reply was, you can smoke if your husband allows you to (the thought was SO NOT worth a reply). but the 17-yr ol' was more patient and understanding with me, and went on to explain that on the face of it, guys would be ok with having girls smoke, but the minute those girls walk away, they would malign and assasinate their character/reputation. 0_0 i found the profound insight on malism highly enlightening (read: amusing and adorable)... heheh ah the days! when we were 17 and owned the world (: here and here are pictures i took from the railcar as it slowly swam across punjab to cut into sindh. the colours in thys world are mindblowing, subhanallah! as we moved southwards, i noticed that the greens started getting duller and duller, until there came a point when it could be classified as charcoal green, or grey green... dull and listless, a bit like dandruff-ridden hair -- that's been excessively dyed... umm... green (i dunno!). all that wasted land was due to salinity... a phenomenon i dont want to discuss in great detail, but most of sindh IS plagued either with drought*, or waterlogging and salinity... and its heart wrenching to see so much of land wasted. the fauna turns into dull shrubs and bushes, and stunted trees, if any... let these pictures (a, b, c, and d) be a testimonial to my facination with railways, railway lines, pakistan railways, and the fact that the survival of pakistan is nothing short of a miracle, given the existing infrastructure (which we have the gora sahib to thank for). like i said before, i really did enjoy the railway experience... except for the delapidated tracks :S *ouch* notice the red/yellow/orange train in the second piture ... i was like :D wow! hehe... i'd never seen rainbow express before... (or at least HALF a rainbow running on the railway tracks)... i wonder if they give special discounts for children and retards like myself. and that was a purdy lill engine stood in the middle of nowhere! and im lyke thynking... hey! what happened? you ran outta steam? ;) or was it towed all the way out into the wilderness by donkeys :p but i like railway engines!!! i've always wanted to be one myself you know... except they offer no courses in enginification in business school :p ... and finally, hyderabad railway station... the dirty brown trains are used for cargo purposes i suppose... but i caution you. if you continuously stare at the moving wheels of a train (while standing), it can make you VERY dizzy... and you just may end up falling on the tracks... while the train is moving on them ;) i almost jumped into a cargo container, btw, since the whole container was empty and i could almost squeeze into one (if i sucked in my breath), but then i thought mom wouldnt be too pleased with the idea :p (she had booked us into firstclass you see *giggles*). there's more pixchurs, but no more strength. so imna leave you with the tilts here. and contrary to popular belief, it isnt my camera that's tilted, these pictures were taken when the trucks were moving. if you were mathematically inclined, you'd probably be able to calculate and tell me what the speed of each of the trucks is (your mission, should you chose to accept...). for the rest of you, chillax and look at the purdy colours :) im off for as long as i wish to be. or as soon as i get your cheques bribing me to continue with the adventures of narnia, hemlockified. ------------------------------------------------------------- *as mentioned earlier, that's the dried up river sindh (indus--one of the five largest rivers in the world). thys yr, it had more water, than it did it two yrs ago, when i went last... see that little streak in the middle? it would reach up all the way to your ankles if you were to walk in the water :p


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