A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

May 02, 2005

road rash

i wish people would be careful while they drive. and motorcyclists more so. ive witnessed around 6 accidents in the last 7 days. just the sight of glass on the road can have devastating affects on one. let alone bodies sprawlled across it. i dont know if ive been at the wrong places at the wrong time, or if people have gone mad, or if the traffic has increased too much, and the roads arent built to take it on, or whatever. i dont like accidents, or ambulances rushing to and fro... the oldest one i remember happened to a guy on a bike... he sped across, cutting a red light at around 9 pm, and he did so successfully; until he hit the hook of a crane, that was concealed in the dark. he flew off his bike, and i dont know what happened then. there was thys other tym i had just dropped my sister off to school, was on my way back, and i saw thys bike lying on the road-side, a man lying on the road, and two young girls in school uniform standing by him crying. i guess i shouldve stopped, and stood by the girls or somethyng. i could put down 6500 reasons why i didnt. in all honesty, i was scared. i didnt know what to do, and for some reason my instincts told me flight would be the best course of action. then there was thys crunched up car, that was hit by a bus, a passenger van and a rickshaw collision, cars and poles, cars and trees... and then there was today. another bike, another ugly scene. too ugly for me to describe, even simply glossing over it wouldnt be possible. i guess what im trying to say is. i almost had one of those accidents today. when a bikewala, with his overweight wifey cut from my left side, and crossed over to the right, cutting 5 lanes. and i was driving fast. i slammed on the brakes, and thys guy flew by, SMILING CHEEKILY... and his woman throwing me ugly looks. i wanted to drive after him, run him down, and remind him what he did couldve killed him. and damaged my car. and i wouldve been blamed for it. cuz i was in teh car. and he was on the bike. which somehow automatically makes him innocent, and me guilty. but i realised it wouldve been futile. how many people can you physically stop, and knock sense into? i know you cant knock sense into me. cuz i like speeding. but i know where i do that. and i know for a fact that i never go beyond a point where the car is no longer in my control. and then Allah has been excessively kind. i can gloat all i want, i know Allah protects us all. but i also know we invite trouble. and thats just been happenin too bloody often lately. and i dont like it. frankly, i thynk im scared. because i know i can be careful out there. but that's futile, cuz im not the only one on the road.


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