A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

April 01, 2005

tag, and that's it???

i wish i read. i feel all shades of blonde when ppl talk about books and i just look on like a toad. i like the way toads look (bulging eyes), as opposed to how toads look (warts and all). but yeah, if there is anythyn missing from from my life, that'd be the tym and energy to read. not toad. or toad off. since there is no such thyng. but she thynks i do, and i believe in keeping pretences so here goes nuffin :) You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? you do realise, thys was the first tym ever i heard the expression, let alone throughly grasp the concept? but i googled it :) and now im all smart. the idea here is, im assuming god himself can take care of his book, since he promised, so my next choice would be the feroz-ul-lughaat :) muhahahaha. and im serious. global warming can fry us all, for all i care, im more concerned with the loss of languages... and i wish someone would promote urdu. actually before that, i wish i could speak urdu. like it deserves to be spoken. it's a beautiful language. but mixed-breeds like myself, who are brown on the outside and empty on the inside, have totally spoiled what's left of it. we like to call it "spoken urdu". cuz no one will accept it as anythyn else. and it's a tragedy. if proponents of the language cant speak it, what are we to expect from others? Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? is lyke, icecream food ? duh! as a kid i idolized umroo ayyar... *grins* thys really awesome desi-super hero who faught djinns and superwitches and lived in the land of fairies, and had thys most amazing carrybag that you could fit mountains into :) as fate would have it, i found some of his books during my trip to karachi, Rs 12/ each. i bought them, and read one, and then burnt them. i thynk the book-bonfire was more entertaining that the books :p (like i said, im easily amused). then i wanted to be Mrs Sherlock Holmes right upto when i turned 17 or somethyng (yeah owl, you almost had competition there ;)) . but then i fortunately grew out of silly teenage infactuations when i met aragorn. let it be known, there aint no mortal like him, and there never will be. i mean, how can you NOT pledge your life to thys guy and promise to be his eternal slave? beyond that, let's NOT forget Mr Darcy *swoons* and all those *sigh* gentlemen dudes in georgette heyer novels. the top hats and tailcoats and powdered hair and dandy (high street) fashions... *faints* (someone pass me the smelling salts, thank you!) The last book you bought is: i dont know. i splashed out at thys old bookshop kinda thyngy, and got: The Hobbit Catch 22 Aman (cant find a link for thys, but it's supposed to be the story of a wronged arab - or african - woman who decides to speak out. that's innovative, considering ive read all of jean sasson's books -- including princess, daughter's of arabia, and desert royal... and betty mahmoody's Not Without My Daughter -- and found them to be nothing more than propaganda trash). An American Brat The Patient (im not sure if it's the same as the English Patient... i'd tell you, but my friends borrowed four out of five of the afore mentioned books, and the one i was left with i left at someone's place). and then there were these two car magazines. do they count? The last book you read: Exile and the Kingdom -- Albert Camus. i LOVED it. i wanna find some more books of his. What are you currently reading? umm... Fundamentals of Operations Management -- Davis, Chase MUHAHAHA! GOTCHA! ok, i admit. i wish i could read it, but really. let's get real. it's hardback. and thick. and it doesnt have pictures to colour in. (i had started on both catch 22 and the hobbit, but the reading has been delayed for various reasons. oh! and ive been trying to read anna karenina for like a yr now. so that would count as currently, right?) Five books you would take to a desert island: The Quran. it's a book i want to read in peace. i havent read it yet, the way i'd like to... so there. The Complete Websters Dictionary -- and no owl, honey, im not copying you, i ACTUALLY have a copy of one in my books shelf :) and yes, i may be accused of going thru a dictionary to kill boredom. *cringe* A suitable boy - vikram seth. it would be helpful in fueling fire during chilly nights. and may be used effectively to kill large birds and small animals. muhahahaha. the complete works of mark twain. sorry. cant compromise on those. it would HAVE to be complete. any book on human psychology. and no, you cant ask why :) Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why? umm... mono. top of the mind recall :) binje. top of the mind recall (part ii). actually. ive never heard thys guy talk about books. it'd be interesting to see what he has to say. meeks. he's just too smart, and he deserves to be put in... what was it? fahrenheit 451 :p


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