A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

January 16, 2006

tears in heaven

who's gonna drive you home, tonight? i had promised myself i wouldnt blog, until i had a fun blog to blog, cuz honestly speaking, i only just realised what a dull joint this place was becoming. BUT shit hath happened!!! 'they' sold my baby... i mean my car... today. gone. i woke up, heard the voices of some men in the other part of the house... there was talking, laughing... and then... that was that. my car was gone. it was grey and cloudy all day today. and it rained. it's way past midnight, and it's still raining. i wonder if it is a coincidence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but then rn't u getting a new one??!!

1/17/2006 06:28:00 AM  
Blogger hemlock said...

i dont know.
i havent asked, and i havent been told, so im guessing... no.

who's to say a new car can 'replace' an old one

1/17/2006 04:00:00 PM  
Blogger Monologist said...

wow... your ride was indeed sweet?
they didn't tell you anything?
I mean, didn't you know it was being sold?
it just up and about happened?
uff... I would be steaming :?

1/20/2006 01:51:00 AM  
Blogger hemlock said...

i kinda had an inkling, as in... i knew it was destined to go.. i jus didnt know when...
and reality didnt sink in... for a while.

1/22/2006 09:05:00 PM  
Blogger Monologist said...

awww... I know how that feels.
I remember when I was leaving my home [back in the days of guyana] my mom donated most of our stuff and sold some. The only time I realized that my home was empty was when.... well I did the last walk

1/24/2006 01:58:00 AM  

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