A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

December 21, 2005

this ain't no love song

you know what's really sad? in my 24 long years, ive only ever been dedicated a song once. one time, in my whole life! and that too by my best friend when she was djay-ing at a local radio station. that was cool though... she called me in a rush one day... shouting, unnaah (her name for me), switch on your radio... which i did... and she had a very sweet message, and she played my favourite song from when i was young :) RDB's Daru... the idea behind that song kicked ass... (when one was young and foolish, and believed the world was at their feet...) now, it doesnt hold the same. but seriously!!! what a sad sad existance. i just cant stop laughing. today as i was driving home from school, i was (wishfully) thinking, that if anyone would ever write/sing/compose a song for me, it would have to be somewhat similar to chris isaac's wicked game. that song has soul. it's so beautiful!!! umm cheezy, i agree, but then the whole concept of having a song written for one is cheezy... so i guess that cancels out. i was once dedicated a song by association *grin* see, well, once we were in school... that sad age of a decade ago, we were out at this "hip" joint called copper kettle (it had only recently opened, and had hell loads of snob appeal to it... since the idea of such a joint in the then pakistan was very novel in itself). they had thys most gorgeous lookin DJ there, who also happened to be "like, the cutest guy on the planet" ... DJ oozy (comments of now: eww). anyways. so it was like my birthday, and as a treat, i was allowed to have it there... which was like, the best birthday present ever (*rolls eyes*). there came a friend of mine, looking...umm... very "hot" in a red dress, and over and over again, some guys kept on getting "lady in red" played for her... with a "special" message thrown in now and then. i still think since i was the birthday girl and i was wearing maroon, that song SHOULDVE been dedicated to me :/ *hmph* and i think that since she was MY friend, was wearing red (very close to maroon), and it was my birthday, the song was actually meant for me. but yeah, a sad sad story of my life... no odes dedicated to my flowing(?) raven black(?) hair... my fair (???) skin... err... i cant believe i've just typed this post out. *rolls on the floor, dies laughing* but yeah, remember, it's high time someone wrote me a sonnet... if u wish to write a song, take a few lessons from chris isaac... :) humpty dumpty is good too, if you are a novice at poetry.


Blogger Monologist said...

If I could I would definitely dedicate a song to you!
but the song... hmm not too certain
Probably something along the lines of dancetil you drop

no.. actually I got it
Candi Station "You got the love"

12/24/2005 07:28:00 AM  
Blogger hemlock said...

saeed: nothing like an original "dog" "frog" "jog" song to lift up these spirits :D

mono: aww hun!!! *blush* although u know i havent heard candi station... but cool, yeah? :)

12/24/2005 04:42:00 PM  
Blogger Zee said...

I can't do sonnets luv, but I can do haikus. For you. :)

Laughter like a rush
of jagged crystal and glass
Carries all along

Barriers broken
Of sound, space, and society
Woman behind wheel.

Lip chewed and nails bit
A question unanswerable
Highlights - red or blue?

12/28/2005 11:22:00 PM  
Blogger hemlock said...

hun! this is bester than the bestest songs ive been dedicated :)
thanx man

12/30/2005 12:43:00 AM  

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