A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

March 02, 2006

ok. this isnt much fun, seriously. my blog thingy hasnt loaded in four days now, i cant see what im posting, and now i know how Beethoven felt when he composed the 9th symphony. or when milton wrote paradise lost. imagine being like, an amazing writer, and never knowing what your writing looks like. but im serious, i havent seen my page and im feeling all ................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! WHY ISNT MY PAGE LOADING???!!! WHY ISNT ANY BLOGSPOT LOADING??? i cant even see my comments! so ive been giving myself an overdose of movies. saw: i am david eternal shunshine of the shpotlesh mind brokeback mountain chicken little chronicles of narnia HP4 and the movies i AM going to watch, hopefully tonite are: munich lord of war lock, stock and two smoking barrels collateral... ill start with LS&TSB... i wouldve done like, my comments... on what i think of the movies, but two things... 3 of the 5 movies i did were SO WARPED! they left me reeling... specially "i am David" bloody good movie, very very cannes... very... u know... un je ne ses quis... but very weird! plus, i cant see my blog. and im not going to say anything unless i can see it :/ so, anyone wanna fix my problem?


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