A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

May 27, 2004

is rarest even a word? ladies and gentlemen, im losing my sight. and i dont mean sight of my goals, although being short-sighted does that to you, but really, lets see... 8+4+3 = 15 hours in front of a computer screen cant be too good for you. i need to start an international hunt for my specs... the stuff i shouldve kept more carefully. here's my glasses wearing history. my bro had a sight prob since he was a kid, so he had specs from before indo-pak partition... he was a child prodigy (of sorts) still cant bring myself to say it, and as a 3-yr-old i always believed it was because of his glasses. and since everyone took him more seriously than i, again i thought wearing glasses added to that 'more adult - more mature' look. and i wished and i wished for my eyes to get screwed. all my dreams came true in 1992. we were living in a foreign country, and i would sit in front of a 24" tv for a minimum of 8 hours a day. (just to spite my brother. so he wouldnt get to watch the premiership matches etc... ironic - ive become a fan myself) one fine day, i tell my dad i cant see all to well... he takes me to the optician, and viola... when we come out... i have two natural lenses, and two plastic ones. now all that isnt too bad, but i cringe totally when i see my pics from back then. apparently, pink plastic frames that covered half your face were the rage then... the 'in' thyng, the 'new look', the 'black'. it goes without saying i looked a dweeb. in the subsequent years, i lost the frames and regained the sight. then glasses were an option. should i? shan't i? should i? shan't i? the should not won. the spek-elled look has never been a problem w/ me. im just gonna hafta get used to the fact im growing old, and my senses are losing me. *sigh* ------------------------------------------------- on another front, my pc is busted. the windows corrupted themselves. while i got rid of the spyware, thanks to the special powers of halfpastnomad and spybot, there lurked in the deepest corners of my computer a virus that went undetected/overlooked by the anti-virus software i was using. that's all ok, endurable, but fate... it has a way of getting back at you. remember when i said windows XP is SO gay? well that's what the computer guy is installing. he says windows xp professional is currently the best in the market. *sigh* fate or no fate. irony or no irony. i still thynk it's gay.


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