A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

May 31, 2004

thys blog is brought to you courtesy newly installed windows XP... a modem that took two days and one frustrated hemlock to install... a job that im sure im about to lose... a synopsis that is yet to be written (or in fact, yet a topic that is yet to be finalised)..., and a haphazardly planned trip to islamabad that has been delayed already. it took me four days, a calendar and two editors to figure out june 3rd was on thursday. and not wednesday like i was expecting it to be. you know, i feel like i did when i was 17. one fine day, i decided to stand on a football. like a soccerball, not the squashed/retarded american football. i figured... hey, they do it at the circus, how hard can it be. so... i first put one foot on the football... yeah! good'nuff... holds weight. and then i lifted the other foot. the ball rolled away from under me, and i fell flat on my face. no really i did. ok. so i fell flat on my nose, which technically is an intrinsic part of my face. and then my forehead hit the ground also. cutting the technicalities of the experience... Q. why does it feel like im doing waaaaay outta my league? A. so i can proudly say "been there, done that." and came back with a bruised face. or a bruised ego. which ever catches your fancy


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