pakistani idiot
*sigh* the moon was full and beautiful and i thynk i died.
in the last few days, ive opened and shut the blogger window numerous times. i wasnt suffering from blogger's block. i was suffering from... lets say... acute agromania. and sitting in a chair aggrevated the condition. i thynk.
D darling, im sorry, i tried to blog. really.
instead, imna leave you with a couple of my quotes. be sure to mention my name, age, address, and marital status when you quote me.
quote of the day:
if you put all your eggs in one basket, and you drop the basket, maybe you shouldnt be in the egg business.
quote of the other day:
if i could choose between my needs and my wants, i'd want to pick my needs, unless my wants became my needs, in which case the whole premise would collapse because my wants would be my needs and my needs my wants, and they would all be one and the same in a one big convoluted way.
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