A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

April 18, 2006

what brain drain?

aargh. i HATE the lab. i hate it i hate it i hate it. phew. now that i have THAT off my chest, i can continue with more important things. ive discovered im a fan of the guy who created dilbert. ironic how im not a fan of the creator of the creator of dilbert. but that's because im short sighted. ive just finished reading the dilbert future: trhiving on stupidity in the 21st century. most of my life i saw dilbert as a badly drawn cartoon, and that was enough to turn me away from the strip. i mean come on, give me a break here. you have garfield, you have baby blues, you have umm... bizarro... but dilbert? so anyways, i saw the book in one of my rare incursions into the "greater" library.... the lesser one being a discussion room i frequented during my geekozoid-days... and tehre i found it. or as it was said in the hurricane, "it found me" it's a very interesting concept though, that books find you. ever gone across a shelf of books, and a random one seems to jump at you. and you pick it out and bring it home? or if it jumped at you from inside your home, probability is, this time you'll read it. i dont know, anyways, so the book picked me, and i read it. and before i had finished it, i issued the dilbert principle, because i decided all ive read is of no value to date, because what is of value was in these books, which i hadnt read. im not sure how ive added value to your life by the above sentences, but if any of my previous actions have led you to build expectations, that's just plainly your loss. im wondering if my boss would be much offended if i read during work hours. i dont have work hours yet probably because i dont have a boss but that is another story i get fascinated with books that are written about me. they have me in their titles. i tried reading marxism for idiots. i couldnt make heads or tails of it. i tried reading an idiot's guide to raising dogs. i gave my dog away without raising it too high. i gave the book away too. dilbert. so the guy makes a lot of sense. he makes a lot of predictions too. that's when is isnt making jokes. that's what he does for a living. he cracks jokes. making teh likes of me the butt of them. he says computers are like tangerines. because he cant find analogies for either of them. he predicts life in the future will not be like star trek my internet isnt working, causing me a lot of frustration and hindering my productivity. he says future technology will hinder productivity. he says in future, scientists will learn how to convert stupidity into clean fuel. i like this guy. now that i know what happened in the end, im going to go to the begining to see how the end began. i mean, read teh first book in teh two book series, which isnt actually a series, but more like just another offshoot of the sweet valley twins. yes, im guilty. on a more important note, if you havent read it yet, now would be a good time to water the car parked in your garden. at least no one will accuse you of dying a couch potato.


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