A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth

for what it's worth

December 23, 2004

lost in tym

you know the path youve chosen takes you in the complete opposite direction from where you want to end up. eventually. yet you still walk it. you know you'll be miles from home before you actually stop to thynk how far youve come. yet you go on walking. you thynk you live outta teh bag, and your home in your heart, and can stop and set it all down and begin all over again, at your own free will. but you know you dont have a will, and even if you do, it isnt free. you dont really ever stop to look back at what you've left behind, because you know that'll hurt too much. instead, you try walk away from it faster. but you know you''ll never ever get far enough. hemlock is going away for the weekend. the weekend will last as long as her mood. and hemlock just remembered. she would never want to be a billboard selling bathroom fittings.


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