which way is left?
i dont really want to update, but my lovely asked me to, and how can i refuse her? only, i thynk i'll technically only be denying her somethyng, as opposed to not delivering, since she's asked me to be funny, and i dont know how that's done ever since the aliens took my t-shirt and all i was left with were lousy parents. *sigh* so yeah, anyways, the summers are almost here, umm... as in, when yer sitting in airconditioning, it gets cold *shivers*. i was carless for the last four-five days, and man! i tell you... that was so lyke! a tough tym in my life. it's lyke, i had to ask my brother to drive me to school and back, and i felt decapacitated (im not sure if i know what that means, so humour me). it also made me realise my brother didnt know how to drive (he's the one who taught me). so yeah, anyways, i got a car back today, and it was good to be liberated once again. i wish i could say i got my car back again, but as thyngs would have it, my status at home is slightly obscure, and i dont quite know where i stand (in respect to the cars atleast). see, two years ago, my brother got me -- what could be substituted for a soapdish -- a car that ran at all of 100km/hr, if you reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly prayed hard enough. it was white, and very nice, and had thyngs like an air-conditioner. so i worked it and worked it, until the summers came, and my family realised the car i had was air-conditioned, and the olds-mobile (i wish) they had, an heirloom my greatgreatgreatdad had bought 15 years ago, wasnt, they switched cars with me. 0_0 needless to say, i had no say in the matter. but honestly speaking, there was absolutely no comparison between the drive of the honda (oldsville 2000), and the suzuki (portable, easy-to-fold-and-carry-anywhere-in-your-handbag). so i really didnt mind the switch. i mean, there's convenience, and then there is class. and then there is class. so now, i had the family car, and the family had my car. which all makes perfect sense, like saying, umm... i update your blog, you update mine, so my blog becomes your blog, and i get your blog, and it's all really simple isnt it? until a month ago, when my brother bought another car, and i was still driving the family car, and my car (which the family was driving) was lent to an uncle who wanted a car. fair enough. except, that one fine morning, i wake up, and my car (which was the family car) was taken away from me, given to the uncle, and they took back from him my car (which was technically the family car, since they were using it) and returned it to me. now you must stop here and understand my dilemma. i dont know who's car i have. if that wasnt bad enough, i dont know where my car is. which is ironically funny, since i dont even know which car is mine. a bit like saying, which witch is which. if you know what i mean. *sings: EVERYBODY! EVERYBODY! EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE A CAT!* i was actually going to tell you about battling with two mosquitoes all the way home, but since i didnt know which car i was driving, the story sort of got derailed. which is funny, cuz even those boxes put behind railway engines are called cars. or maybe the railway engines are cars. i dont know im stupid or somethyng. like forrest gump says: "stupid is as hemlock does". anyways, a couple of my friends want me to audition for their band. they thynk i can sing :D i dont, but just the thought of audtioning is so hilarious, i thynk i'm gonna do it. who knows. i may be the next pink. or blue. or red. simply red! you be forty. remind me to tell you about the hobbit. so far, im hating it, it makes me feel like a 7-yr old. doesnt seem like tolkien.