A Lesser Mortal: Rebirth
for what it's worth
August 31, 2004
August 30, 2004
"if it aint broke, fix it till it is"
that's what poeple are trying to do with my life. if i wasnt so pissed off about it, i may have put up a blog... but im just wondering, if thys mba thynggammy im getting puts more value to me as a perspective daughter-in-law...
August 29, 2004
the coolest thyng happened over a week ago, and i only find tym to blog it today. ive found the man of my dreams. or men. considering there were three of them. two masked men walked into a norway museum and walked out with ervard munch's scream. outside of the museum, they get into an audi, which the third person was driving, and lo and behold, one of the greatest masterpieces of art is gone. is that cool or is that cool? that is SO COOL. and thys article explains REALLY well why the painting looks the way it does. it doesnt name or identify the people involved in the theft, or id be a very very happy woman today. of course an audi isnt a bentley, but in terms of a classic painting, i'd be willing to make a trade-off. in all honesty, scream HAS been my all time favourite piece of art. but in terms of stealing (or owning), it'd be my second choice. im more of a starry night person. the swirly starry night, as opposed to the non swirly bright bluey starry night. though one wonders WHY Van Gogh couldnt come up with two different names for two completely different works of art. but yeah. im in love, and i dont even know what my hero(es) look(s) like. such is life. im home for a week. ill blog about college as it comes to me. right now, ive effectively blocked it out of my thoughts. in fact the effectiveness is such, that ive been sitting here for 45 minutes, trying to talk about school, but it's not happening, and since THYS isnt an assignment, imna do it well ;) and at my own free will. but do chk out the europe vs italy thyngamajiggy on baji's blog. it's bloody hilarous. im thynking italians are most like pakistanis in their habits. ill-mannered, ill-tempered and bloody lazy.
August 22, 2004
campus comedy
14 days gone, two more years to go. you dont know what whirlwind means. or probably you do, and i didnt, but i do now, and nothing else matters. excuse my flippancy or the lack of coherent thought, but i havent had too much of that in the last two weeks. not that i ever did b4, but i thynk i made some logic or some sense or somethyng to that effect... so like, apparently, thys place im in, it's ranked 18th in asia, for business studies. umm and asia includes asia-pacific, and places like university of monash, and some ultra big schools in teh far east. and im like thynking... what the hell am i doing here? and WHOEVER gave me admission. but then, it dawned... we have relative grading here... and in order to have a bell curve, you gotta have the bottom of the curve too... right? in the name of diversity, they include ppl who will balance out the genious. and ladies and gentleman, meet the balancing factor. what's really cool, is like last week, we had thys quiz-a-majiggy, and i somehow, ended up with an A, cuz it was 2 deviations from the mean. right? like i was in the 97th percentile. and i had scored a 4, out of a 15. apparently everyone got a 3 and below, which was so bad, that my bad didnt seem so bad after all. so like, im thynking, i can do terribly, as long as 99% of the class does worse than me. poetic justice. we have math. business math so to speak. now, historical data shall prove to you, i was good in math. i still am. i even enjoyed it... (dont judge me, im just weird like that) i got a 96% in my o levels, a 720 in SAT, a 700 in SAT2, balh blah blah.... but now, 5 years after i solved my last equation, im a bit rusty. like really really a bit rusty. if that wasnt bad enuff. we got a taliban teacher. im not one to judge ppl by their appearance, but everytym i see him, even in class, i feel like calling out "TALEBAN!!!" and he scares me. like seriously. he asks me stuff, and i get tongue tied. errr... and then my mind stops working, i get flustered, and ppl ask me... what happens to you in the math class. look, im only SO blonde yeah, in fact some ppl tell me im smart (but that only happens when they need somethyng from me), so the problem here is: a) i dont understand what happens, b) i dont like that guy and c) i dont want him teaching me math. or anythyng else for that matter. im scared. beyond that, well... gossip from the other side is, guys find me intimidating. MUHAHAH!!!! ROFLOL!!! LUZAAAHsss!!!
and the wise man said...
like.... ya just gotta read these: real xtracts from GCSE exams: Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two other sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master. McMurphy fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a paper bag filled with vegetable soup. The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't. Her eyes were like two brown circles with big black dots in the centre. Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever. He was as tall as a six-foot-three-inch tree. The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when you fry them in hot fat. John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met. The thunder was ominous sounding, much like the sound of a thin sheet of metal being shaken backstage during the storm scene in a play. Even in his last years, Grandpa had a mind like a steel trap, only one that had been left out so long it had rusted shut. Shots rang out, as shots are wont to do. The plan was simple, like my brother Phil. But unlike Phil, this plan just might work. He was as lame as a duck. Not the metaphorical lame duck either, but a real duck that was actually lame. Maybe from stepping on a land mine or something. Her artistic sense was exquisitely refined, like someone who can tell butter from "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter." It came down the stairs looking very much like something no one had ever seen before. It was a working class tradition, like fathers chasing kids around with their power tools. She was as easy as the Daily Star crossword. She walked into my office like a centipede with 98 missing legs. It hurt the way your tongue hurts after you accidentally staple it to the wall. and umm... these are discriptions written by (presumably) qualified doctors: "She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night." "Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year." "On the second day the knee was better, and on the third day it disappeared." "The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed." "The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993." "Discharge status: Alive but without my permission." "Healthy appearing decrepit 69 year old male, mentally alert but forgetful." "The patient refused autopsy." "The patient has no previous history of suicides." oh! and the 11 year old's answers can be read here. teh flight announcements here. and the top ten johnny bravop pik-up lines here. my favourite one being: "Well baby, what's it like looking at the man of your dreams?" oh jonny!!! *swoons*
August 19, 2004
August 18, 2004
August 16, 2004
hemlock heming(a)way
it's horrible. you wont believe it... it's seriously horrible. they are killing me. ive been online for the last 8 hours, and i thynk ive lost my eyes. (mind was missing from the begining). tehy made us send emails. no seriously. it's apparently a part of the course. we were supposed to send a 600 word email to our prof describing our college exp. more so of the first day. dude... ive been writing these *my first day at school* essays since i was 0.1 years old. and man it pisses me off. but still i did a loverly job and it would be a pity if the mails went unread :> so here goes ;) The first day at **** seems like ancient history, even if it's only been 10 day. I guess that may have something to do with the 48-hour days we have been spending, trying to cope with the workload. But certain memories linger, and one of them for me was trying to find my way around the academic block. The bland white octagonal building, constructed to project the finest principles of symmetry, does nothing to ease a student's dilemma, and perhaps the only landscaping that breaks this monotony would be the commemorative plaque outside the Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Auditorium. I also distinctly remember comparing the structure to the 130-year old National College of Arts building where I spent the last four years of my life. The ancient red-brick structure with lofty ceilings and arched doorways oozed history... a striking comparison to the sense of modernity this place exudes. The hardest thing for me was to break out of my shell and speak to the woman sitting next to me during orientation. Not much of an extrovert by nature, I had figured I could spend the next two years here without really speaking with anyone... at least I felt I could get away with it. After all, I was paying through my nose for education, not friends and feminine-bonding. But just the orientation session in itself proved me completely wrong, and warned me to be prepared for what lay ahead. Beyond that, the first day at ***** seems to have passed in a blur. 100 new names and faces, people I’ll be rubbing shoulders with across the nest two years, a programme I don’t know much about, and dived into head first… such apprehensions tend to take away from memories of little things like “the first day at school”. Although all those years later, when I walked onto the campus clutching my bag, putting one quivering foot before the other, I think it may as well have been my first day at preschool. The only difference being, that was my parent’s decision, and they walked me into class as I held on to my mother’s finger for my dear life. This journey will pretty much be my own -- on my own. signed, me. ufff... mushy.com, no? but really i hate the buildings here. but since ive seen worse, i shut up. i wrote another email, also a part of the whatchamaycallit. "you went to Wooster??? that's a way cool school dude!!! zabardast! in terms of contributing positively in class, it's like, i get this creeyp feeling at the back of my neck, that tells me it's people point at me, telling me to put a lid on it. and considering i dont even talk that much in class (relatively speaking ofcourse)... i wonder if my fears are unfounded. I’ve pretty much managed to stay afloat in the first 10 days of SOP (Or was it 8? It seems like eternity to me), but that’s just as far as it gets. I’m thinking, if this is all there is to it, I just may survive another 18 months of it… provided this is all there is to it. Should it go any further, I think I’ll go down, hook line and sinker… regardless of what the IPS guy Mr Aziz says. I mean, there is positive talk, and then there is realistic talk. And then there is a subtle difference between the two. and the seniors really mustn't scare us like that man, it's bad enough as it is -- without them foretelling my doom. But then there is always the ownership of CitiBank in question, and I guess if there is this one thing in life no woman would turn down, ever, it’d have to be a bank. I guess enough motivation, and nothing is improbable. what say you?" no one will read them b4 they are chuked into the trashcan forever. i thought id save them for me. perhaps my finest pieces of writings. ever. feel free to nominate me for the booker prize. i shall not object.
August 14, 2004
the late late blog
honestly. id like to say somethyng. somethyng relevant, perhaps a bit smart, and if my luck is really shining, then somethyng funny. hopefully. so i fell asleep in class today. thrice. there was thys 10 minute hypnosis session, the prof trying to teach us to relax... and all thys stuff about pro-active thynking... blah ( i mean, that guy has had happiness and positivity pharmaceutically induced in him or somat)... so we were doing thys exercise on talking to our muscles, telling them they were : strong, supple, relaxed and healed. now the lights were off, the auditorium was air conditioned, and i was tired. what better way to relax than sleep right? half way thru the exercise, i woke up with a start. i had no idea WHAT the prof was telling our minds to do... 0_0 "you will blog tonite" khair... the more pressing issue... Mr nomad himself. ok get thys... like most ppl who dont know my neighbourhood (small as it is) waleed had trouble getting to my place. he arrived four fone calls and three hours late. we were supposed to go book shopping, but since food is a more lucrative business here in pakistan than is reading, writing or acquiring knowledge, most book houses close by 9pm.
but i degress... i dont thynk he totally found the books he was looking for, but the very day i realised why i dont go into bookstores. cuz i end up looking at the books i'd like to own, get reminded of all the thyngs i'd like to do... and am made to feel rather small... to thynk i dont know what's out there is um... 5 billion books printed to date. doesn't knowing that make you feel small and stupid? he treated me to a 'papar'... and just as both of us decided the potential of shopping couldnt be maximised on empty stomachs, my mom called asking me to bring him over so we could go out for dinner. me: mom, no, he's a really cool guy, we DONT have to take him out to dinner. mom: beta, i seem to have wasted all that money educating you, you are the RUDEST host i know. me: that may be true mom, but really, go out for food? cant we just eat at home? mom: no me: are you sure? mom: do as you are told young lady, or else.... i thynk it was the or else that got me. fine, W dude, we are going home cuz my folks thynk unless they feed you the best food in the city, theyve left somethyng to be desired in their impeccable hosting qualities. and so it was. 10.30pm ish, the two of us got home ... starving ... packed everyone in my miniscule car, and drove of. being saturday night, all the eateries were pradictably jam packed, and it was 1 hour and three restaurants later that we could actually sit down to eat. (i swear these bloody lahoris are mad). having people you can actually just chill with, knowing there is no fear of being judged (am i right W? help me here...) is fun. at least i had fun... im still willing for the nomad to confirm :p (though he WAS courteous enuff to thank me the next day). AND he's been gracious enuff to let me know EVERYTYM he's been out for ice cream (and ive been cooped up in my dorm. naiki ka to zamana hi nahi raha. but you see, from here, the tale gets weird. on the way back, some godforsaken thyng happened to my car, which had already spent the last two days at the workshop, and it stopped smack in the middle of the street. suficient man power later, waleed and my brother jump-started it, and we were able to bring it and us back home safe, well after 1 in teh morning. we called a friend over around two-ish, so waleed could get a safe ride home, and in the meanwhile, my mom spoke with his mom, (hopefully) allying her anxiety. thys is where it gets real freaky: out of 4.5 million bloggers across the world, guess who waleed is? apparently, our moms share the same alma mater. i mean, 2 in the morning, these women started talking, first about kids, then about health, then about godknowswhat, and like 15 minutes after waleed gave the fone to my mom, i see she's still on it, discussing her college from 25 years ago. "HANG UP MOM! thys instant! it's an indecent tym to be on the fone," i screamed. it didnt work... the ladies were able to establish links, and promised to get together for a meet-up. that was the moment waleed and i decided to disown each other. seriously. i mean, either the parents can be friends, or the kids can... otherwise it just gets too messy. fortunately it's been too hot, ive been away at college, and my mom's been too unwell to entertain guests... she was like }{ thys close to inviting them for dinner. oh. and i dont know if the nomad has told you thys, but he's getting married next yr (inshallah)... i would tell you more (like the date), but i dunno how much id be infringing on his personal life ;) youll have to ask him yerself :D that'll be all folks. for now.fun fact 1: for every 1 rupee spent on books, pakistanis spend 17 rupees on food. for every 1 rupee indians spend on food, they spend 17 on books. guess who's coming out on top? fun fact 2: most of American software houses are owned and run by indians, who started off as paupers, and ended up millionaires.
August 10, 2004
bizarre love triangle
the problem with a day... any day, is that you only have 24 hours to do what ever it is that needs to be done. and once youve done all that needs to be done, you realise youve pretty much spilled over to the other side of the day divide. three supersonic days of activity later, im trying seriously hard to put up a decent blog about life at campus. and teh only half decent bias-free thought i have right now is: there is nothing like crapping at home. so i got a roomie. she's a super decent woman from karachi, and "the perfect antidote" for me... or so my "friends" have told me. my friends have also decided to give me a through bashing one of these days, since im saving my dirty laundry for the weekend, when i'll take a bag full of used/worn clothes home, for washing and ironing. ok so im spoilt like that *grin* but yeah, the chicks are cool, even if at the end of the day they are women... there's thys freaky programme we are doing.. on interpersonal skills. its scary, cuz a) i dont have any, and b) working on them would mean having to talk/listen to people... and honestly, im NOT into that kind of umm... stuff. acknowledging people means accepting their existance. once you do that, they demand to be treated with courtesy. or small talk. when you put up with small talk, it tends to get longer, and laborious. it also demands concern on your part. from then on, thyngs only spiral downhill... and eventually blow-up in your face. so far, my two words to anyone who has wanted to hang around with me have been "lay-off" in the real world, that doesnt cut. im tired, depressed, and now have to work on developing a split personality. so i can smile everytym i see a slug. I get a shot right through Into a bolt of blue It's no problem of mine But it's a problem I find Living the life that I can't leave behind There's no sense in telling me The wisdom of a fool won't set you free But that's the way that it goes And it's what nobody knows And every day my confusion grows everytym i see you falling, i get down on my knees and pray... im my most humble manner, i can tell you so far im the smartest kid in class... so to speak. yeah so i may NOT have all the right answers, or all the solutions, but really, it shows :$ i cant help it. i had my math class today. the first math class in over 5 years. and how did it go? i got a cold call... and i went blank. thats when one portion of my mind switches itself off, and no matter how hard i try, i cant get it working again. for an indefinite period of tym. and for 5 minutes... we are talking 60 x 60 x 60 x 60 x 60 seconds... my professor waited for me to answer. and i said: look, i dont want to do thys. he goes: you can try and be wrong, but not quit. i didnt want to get into a debate with him, but id rather quit than be wrong. and i dont want to get into a debate with any of you either, so dont contradict me... with 50 people staring at you, half the class begging for a chance to answer, it kinda gets REALLY creepy. so prof goes: you are tensed up...relax, and thynk of an answer. im like: not particularly... i just cant thynk of a decent answer. he goes: just give me an example of two negative ######## (somethyngs... insert the word yerself), where the rising of one means the sinking of the other. i go: well... when the sun rises, the moon sinks, but really that doesnt represent the perfect linear graph you are looking for. apparently, the answer to that was the see-saw. (no. you can only kick me in the head once im done doing it) i wouldve gone up to him and told him im really not as stupid in real life, but that wouldve been lying. but see... here's the good thyng. even if i stink at math, i was able to take the pressure off of me, and crack a joke. i do me proud.
August 07, 2004
animal kingdom
allritey... so alla you lot now know i sent baji some pix o'mine...
really, not worth all the trouble. they were from a college trip to interior sindh last year. i could go on and on about the trip, but regardless of the heat, dust, sun, bad food, terrible accommodation, and worse transportation, i managed to have a good tym... simply cuz i LIKE experiencing new stuff.
too much of luxury can kill you.
anyways, so going thru those pix, i came across some rather cool ones, one of my favourite being thys:
the picture doesnt do justice, but really, thys bird was perhaps the smartest rooster ive ever seen. and the colours??? they were RICH, bright... and mesmerizing... to top that, it had an attitude to match... you shouldve checked its gait... i never actually associated arrogance with roosters (that being more in the men's domain), but thys bird told a different tale altogether.
had i been a guy, and had i the opportunity, i wouldve bred hens for fights... like the venezuelan birds here. and no i dont thynk it's cruel.
but as fate would see it best, i was born a girl, and taught to instinctively flee everytym anythyn came close.
but coming back to the case in point. baji was all like... what's with the cow head?
cow head:
in case you cant tell... it's a cow's head. (and the skin and the tail... if you look closely, you can see the eye)
and i had found it extremely fascinating, how it lay in the MIDDLE of the main bazar.... and the number of flies... it was wicked!
now had i been in my right mind, i wouldve belched and made faces and screamed and ran off.
instead, i stood there taking pix on my digital camera, and then showed them to all my friends... (who predictably belched and made faces and screamed and ran off... women can be so predictable)
that was ACTUALLY the first tym i saw a dead cow's head...
thys year for bakra eid we did a bhains (or somethyng to that effect)
and i saw ALL the innards... the bloating stomach, the intestines, the paws... it was SO DISGUSTING!!!
but at the same tym, i figured it had to be done, if only so i could say, "but ive seen it with me own eyes."
but coming back to baji's question, thys one i took out of shock. i was amazed at how callously it was just lying around... hygiene and health issues obviously having gone to the dogs.
technically, i shouldve blogged about meeting up with the nomad, and my first day in school, but im still so stressed about my studies and all... i cant thynk straight.
in other news: there are 88 guys in my class, and 12 girls (including me)... so thats gonna be a party.
August 05, 2004
shady's back
"let the blog begin" -- Julius Ceasar ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm gonna enter in and up under your skin like a splinter The center of attention back for the winter I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling Infesting in your kids ears and nesting Testing "Attention Please" feel the tension soon as someone mentions me here's my 10 cents my 2 cents is free A nuisance, who sent, you sent for me? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i began bloggin initially, to umm... help me unwind. coming home from work, where every comma, fullstop and hyphen were supposed to be in their correct places, 'the' had to spelt T-H-E... and not teh as i usually do when im typing... where the spell chk was to be run more often than i breathed... i figured i needed someone place where i could just be wrong.... and be ok with it. but certain habits die hard. whether it was the fear of being judged careless, or blind, or stupid, i found i just couldnt allow my mistakes to slip thru. (though i did convince me to get rid of the apostrophe marks in couldnt, cant and dont :p ) and i figured it'd be nice to whine. i though, since no one would be reading it, i would say all what i wanted and let it meet its doom in cyberspace. it happened for some tym, but once i got a (then) stranger's comment... i was on guard again. (damn! my blog's gone mad... i cant find my earlier posts, and haloscan seems to have done away with my earlier comments. bugger) as of late, ive had certain thyngs on my mind. in fact... a lot of thyngs. but like all else, they too shall pass. and anyways, ive gone beyond caring now. it's like... you get SO worked up at tyms, you cant get worked up anymore... like there is no going beyond a point. you can only ever come back. O ye! rejoice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- in other news, i start college tomorrow. i went to pick up my rooms keys n all. fortunately, HAVENT met my roomie as yet. and i sincerely hope i dont for the two years we are supposed to be together. see the thyng is, im not really LOOKING for friends??? i mean it's perhaps not the nicest thyng to say, but my track record hasnt been all too good. tehre are friends, and then there are friends. and then tehre are friends. and i certainly hope the lady is nothing like me. tehres only so much of me i can take, and that too cuz i let me get away with a lot of thyngs. patience was never one of my virtues. and here im freaking out, over having to share half a room with a virtual stranger who may just turn out to be as horrible as i am... and man that would be awful. and then it's the little thyngs like... they gave me the door side. i wanted the window im being stupid. the fact is, i've just spent a month living of my folks, eating, sleeping, living at will. i see two gruelling years full of hard work and competition ahead, and yes, i seriously want to crawl under the bed and hide... if i had the option, id turn me into a goodfernutin couch potato. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- but the little thyngs in life make a lot of difference. a friend of mine got me Very Sexy Mints. from the states. no seriously, thats what they are called. furthermore, on the box it says : As Sexy As Kissing Gets 0_0 nothing beats altoids, but these i like too, if only for other reasons...
August 03, 2004
driver, where are you taking us?
This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend The end of our elaborate plans The end of everything that stands The end No safety or surprise The end I'll never look into your eyes again Can you picture what will be So limitless and free Desperately in need of some stranger's hand In a desperate land Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain And all the children are insane All the children are insane Waiting for the summer rain There's danger on the edge of town Ride the King's highway Weird scenes inside the gold mine Ride the highway West, baby The ancient lake, baby The snake is long Seven miles Ride the snake He's old And his skin is cold The West is the best The West is the best Get here and we'll do the rest The blue bus is calling us The blue bus is calling us Driver, where are you taking us? The killer awoke before dawn He put his boots on He took a face from the ancient gallery And he walked on down the hall He went into the room where his sister lived And then he paid a visit to his brother And then he walked on down the hall And he came to a door And he looked inside Father Yes son? I want to kill you Mother, I want to. . . C'mon baby, take a chance with us C'mon baby, take a chance with us C'mon baby, take a chance with us And meet me at the back of the blue bus This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend The end It hurts to set you free But you'll never follow me The end of laughter and soft lies The end of nights we tried to die This is the end thys blog has been suspended until further notice. - Eds
August 02, 2004
August 01, 2004
them and i
what can i say about a three-day trip that begins with the world's best authentic homemade brownies... brownies as in brownies and not cake batter poured into a baking tray (there is a difference). between momma's lasagne, brownies and two fruit 'n nut cakes, im high on chocolate and 5lbs heavier. technically. when i invited momma over to lahore, i really didnt know what to expect. i had had a great tym at their place when i went to isloo in May or somat... and i figured the least i could do to return their hospitality is allow to teenagers a break from islamabad... in the words of daWiseMomma, "the capital of boredom." (although i did spend their trip arguing with the boys why lahore rocked and isloo didnt... we had a slight difference of opinion there...) that wasnt the only thyng we argued about... they accused me of speaking british, and said they spoke english... i said they spoke american... which wasnt a language, but a bunch of words thrown together to make semi-coherent sentences... now, im old. right? at 23, one forgets what being 19 was like... it WAS years ago, you know. but i thynk i did somat right, cuz sometym during their trip, one of the boys said: "you know what, you are kinda O-K." 0_0 i thynk that was a compliment. i dont thynk aniraz and abez wouldve approved much of how we spent the three days... i believe it would be termed "corrupting the kids"... we played flash (3-card-poker) with monopoly money, had sheesha and drove around the shadier parts of town... i thynk the kids were hoping to get mugged, but that didnt happen :p we played chess. ah yes. and i beat z4's friend 3-2 ... (not counting the two other times he beat me... once showing me the 5-move mate, and the other tym i shouted was a "practice match"). "i beat a Russian! i beat a Russian! i beat a Russian!" has a really nice ring to it... dont you thynk? we ALMOST raced our cars, but z4's momma said "i wouldnt encourage them if i were you".... not that they needed encouragement, seeing how i was dared to accept the challenge. i thynk i heard momma mutter "you're worse than they are..." but i may have imagined it ;) but i thynk they had a good tym. they agreed to staying a day longer :) see, the interesting thyng here is... by the third night, the 'boys' crawled into their beds at midnight... out of fatigue (boredom is not an option here). the house has been quiet since them folks left. i need more guests before i start college. it'll take my mind off of issues like leaving home (the thought is KILLING me). any takers for the offer -- free boarding, lodging, momma's home-made lasagne... and most importantly ... the company of hemlock herself.