i've decided it's much fun living in a space/time dis-continuum. it's rather like...
"livin it up at the hotel california"... you know, you umm... if you understand, and accept all things as being transitory, then this life can be like a one big holiday... or a never-ending-till-death-do-us-part-1 vacation.
or a part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7, if you believe in re-incarnation.
im sure i dont believe in re-incarnation, except well, i have this theory about a friend of mine.
he loves to eat. he literally worships the food he eats. he umm... it's like, when u watch him eat, you stop eating, because just watching him relish his food is such a fun thing to do.
he becomes one with his food. his food is him. he is his food. it's complicated.
his name is danish right, and he's fat. no seriously, he's fat, in an unhealthy sort of way. he doesnt walk. he moves like something very big which moves with great difficulty.
he doesnt like moving.
he likes to sit and eat.
you can make him move if you promise to give him something he can sit and eat.
but coming back to reincarnation.
one fine day, when he was moving with all his might and glory (he was walking to class), a though struck me.
i was like dude, you know you could be like a hindu-god reincarnate.
and as i thought more about it, i realised that is what it was...
danish, was actully the hindu god daneeesh in his past life, and he was the god of food.
so all the little people would come to him with their best produce as offerings and sacrifice, so daneeesh would do small favours for them, or grant their prayers.
but as the population grew, and competition became tougher, people began to give him more and more food, cooked better and better... and daneesh would only listen to people who brought him the bestest biggest steaks in the land.
and then, as people fought to out-do each other, and give more and more food to daneesh, they began to run out of food. slowly and steadily, everyone starved to death, cuz daneeesh et all the food. and when no one was left to feed him, daneesh decided to committ suicide, and come back as a mortal, who's mom would feed him just as much.
and that is the story of danish.
and im sure somewhere in there is the reincarnation i was talking about, but i got carried away by the thought of steaks. and danish eating them. he's just too cool.
at times, when im bored, i ask him to have lunch with me.
then i pay for his steak and watch him eat.
it's too cool.
coming back to the space time discontinuum, i think this is the sexiest machine out there... umm... can i say that on my blog? sexy? umm.. but i cant help it... it is... im thinking of selling my soul to the devil, if i can exchange my cell fones for newer hotter ones every now and then and then again. i gave my 3230 to my baby sis. it looks better with her :D
actually, i wouldnt really sell my soul to the devil for just cell fones. he's gonna have to throw in laptops, iPods, and a tonne of other gadgety stuff too.
but the SLVR L7... yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy! read on and drool here.
which by the way, brings me to some interesting gossip. porsche is in pakistan.
errr. wtf? someone's lost their marbles, and it aint me...
waisay, it's all good for me, i get to drool over their hoardings... the other day, i ALMOST banged my car doing that. i mean hello... you cant expect to put up pictures of them beauties, and expect people to keep their eyes on the road...
toying with my emotions i say! down with apartheid!
i wonder if they will let me go for a test drive...
and this looks like an interesting article... me thinks i shall read it when i have time.
oh, and yeah... mukhtaran mai gets her very own biography, that too in 32 languages. plus she gets to meet with the french foreign minister.
and then u want to know why musharraf says believes women get raped so they can get free McMeals. u know, i think there's truth to be heard just yet.
and mukhtaran mai may not be the one speakin it. she's too busy getting woman of the year award from bill clinton.
im sorry, but there is something VERY wrong with the picture, isnt there? :)