n-1degrees of freedom
me thynks i should get some breakfast. me also thynks me would like to show you thys link i picked up here (i just havent REALLY decided yet, if i wanna. you know). in some unrelated news, my destiny (using my first name only) is to die in war. using my sirname as well as my first, my destiny takes an interesting turn and i become the "destroyer of human kind"(has a nice rrrring to it dont you thynk?) -- a destiny which shall be realized on septembver 12, 2020. now that does sound more like me. or a career option i would definitely want to look into. except i dont thynk i wish to wait that long for results. you know. kids these days have no patience. the quiz though, did have an entry for colour. me being anal as i am, couldnt figure out if it meant "favourite colour" or "colour of your skin". i figured "favourite colour" would be a better option to go with, since one can never be sure if the colour of their skin is wheatish, or honey, or simply pale green. and anyways, a few minutes under the sun and you'll become an overcooked brownie... in some more unrelated news, thys world is freakishly small. freakishly. if it wasnt enough that ushi and i, introduced by "two spaced out amreeki kurries" turned out to know each other... i found three other links to her on orkut. (so now she can find out where i live... in case she wants to hunt me down and kill me for the movies i was supposed to return over a week ago) laughing that off, and totally trying to forget my mom spent a few good years at waleed's mom's place... last night i was whining away to a friend of mine, telling him how unplanistically my holidays were creeping along... when another window pops up... a friend i picked up on the irc (before i swore it off for ever) 4 years ago asking me how i knew thys guy. lo and behold. they went to the same schools/colleges, their dads have been friends for faaaaaarrrr too long... and all of a sudden, i was "company". blah! so i just logged off... dont care much about memories im not starring in :p the internet is no longer a safe place for me to be hiding at. im thynking of shifting into some parallel universe. im told jinns are nice company. and not half as inter-(net)-connected.